Better Cotton, Better Cap
What is BCI cotton?
The BCI certificate, or Better Cotton Initiative, is an independent organization that standardizes cotton yarn. What is its basis? The conditions under which the cotton was grown and harvested.
The organization issuing the certificate operates on a non-profit basis, and its goal is to make cotton cultivation and harvesting more sustainable and friendly not only to the environment but also to people.
The cotton used in our summer caps is cultivated and harvested sustainably. In practice, this means meeting several important criteria, including:
→ minimizing the impact of cotton farming on the environment by reducing the use of pesticides (choosing the best quality ones, well-selected) and reducing water consumption to a rational minimum
→ reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and thus reducing soil erosion
→ improving the social conditions of plantation workers - decent work and decent pay are fundamental
→ ensuring safety and hygiene at work
→ eliminating slave labor and the exploitation of minors, as well as introducing an equality policy.
Our summer dad caps are made with respect for the environment and the work of its producers. Transparently sourced raw materials are the basis of our brand philosophy.
You can find the new collection of ethical corduroy caps made entirely from 100% BCI-certified cotton >> HERE <<